Thursday, May 28, 2015

Chicken coop progress!

We were able to get more of the coop insulated and enclosed. We have a nice big hatch in the back so we can clean out the pen. We have 4 roosting posts through the coop. You generally want about 9" of roosting room per bird, and the posts need to be about 2 feet off the ground. Make sure to leave head and tail room for the birds when they are roosting. Also, they need about 1' to 1 1/2' of head room so they can fly up to the roost.

The nesting box is coming together! 

The nesting box is now almost complete! We just need to add the dividers inside. We also got started on enclosing the run. Instead of using more 2x4's and adding just that much more weight and expense to the coop, my genius husband had the idea of using small PVC pipes to create a frame to attach the chicken wire to. 

All that is left is the roof and some wheels! We are just waiting for a nice day to get it finished outside. If we attach the roof, it may not fit out of our garage door. We also need to get a wheel system on the back of it so we can easily move it through the yard. More to come!! 

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