Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Hard Boiled Farm Fresh Eggs

You wouldn't think there would be any difference in hard boiling a store bought egg verses a farm fresh egg. If you have ever tried to hard boil a farm fresh egg, I know your frustration first hand when you "attempted" to peel it. They don't peel easily at all and in your frustration you lose most of the white leaving you with a yoke with a thin covering of white over it.

Through research and trial and error, I have found the best way to make a perfectly hard boiled farm fresh egg that will actually peel easily!! I even tried a new way of peeling the eggs that worked amazingly!!

I like to rinse my eggs in a little warm water first to get rid of any dirt that may be on the outside of them. Bring a pot of water to a rolling boil. Carefully set the eggs in the boiling water using a serving spoon.

Allow to boil for 12 minutes. Do NOT turn off or turn down the heat!

After the 12 minutes of boiling, carefully spoon the eggs from the boiling water into an ice water bath. Leave the eggs in the ice water bath for about 10-15min.

Pat dry the eggs before placing in the egg carton. Keep refrigerated for up to a week. You now have perfectly hard boiled farm fresh eggs that will actually peel!

One thing I wanted to add was a simple way of peeling a hard boiled egg. Grab a plastic container with a lid. Add just a small amount of water into the container and place your egg in there. 

Put the lid on and shake the container (about 10 seconds) until you feel the shell coming off. You can feel the difference when the egg hits the side of the container. The shell will slide right off in almost 1 piece! Super easy!!


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